Take the motorway (Autostrada del Sole) A1 until Val di Chiana tollbooth. Then go towards Bettole-Torrita di Siena, at Gallina take the direction for Cassia towards Rome until Ponte a Rigo. Then turn to the left for the Provinciale 20 and in Sordino turn to the left for Sorano-Pitigliano then turn right for Castell’Azzara.
From Siena (distance about 100 km)
In Siena take the Cassia towards Rome until Ponte a Rigo then turn to the right for the Provinciale 20 and in Sordino turn to the left for Sorano-Pitigliano then turn right for Castell’Azzara.
From Rome - (distance about 170 km)
There are three possible directions:
-The motorway Fiumicino-Civitavecchia until Montalto di Castro. Turn to the right for the Provinciale Caninese until Valentano, then turn to the left and take the Statale 74 until the Cantoniera and then towards Sorano, Castell’Azzara and Pitigliano;
-The Cassia Bis until Viterbo; from there take the SS74 towards Capodimonte-Valentano, turn to the left for the Cantoniera and continue towards Sorano, Castell’Azzara and Pitigliano;
-Motorway A1 (Autostrada del Sole) direction Orte-Viterbo, take the SS74 for the Cantoniera, from here continue towards Sorano, Castell’Azzara and Pitigliano.
From Maremma Coast
There are two possible directions:
-From Grosseto (distance about 100 km) take the Aurelia until Albinia and then take the SS74 towards Sorano, Castell’Azzara and Pitigliano;
-From Argentario (distance about 60 km) take the Aurelia until Albinia and then turn to the left for the SS74 towards Sorano, Castell’Azzara and Pitigliano
AGNOLOTTI NEAPOLITAN STYLE - Pasta - Speciality from Naples
Start preparing the filling by blending the ricotta in a bowl with the 2 eggs, the basil, the chopped mozzarella, a pinch of salt and a twist of freshly-ground pepper.To prepare the sau ... continue
In the church of "Pio Monte della Misericordia" in Naples is exhibited the magnificent painting by Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi, 1571-1610), known as “The Works of Mercy”. "Pio Monte della Mise ... continue